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Bridge of Shadows: A Terrifying Encounter Under the Night's Veil

I was on a long, wooden bridge approximately 500 yards parallel to a highway bridge that ran over a lake. It was fair weather and it was in the darkest hours of the night. I was standing on the bridge watching the cars pass, when all of a sudden my memory goes to third person and I see my body on the floor of the bridge, bloodied and stabbed in the back. The perpetrator was standing over me wearing a scary, Michael Myers-type mask and all
Black clothes; no idea who the perpetrator is. Then my memory is directed towards a news broadcast of evidence found at the scene, all in third person.

I was on a long, wooden bridge approximately 500 yards parallel to a highway bridge that ran over a lake. It was fair weather and it was in the darkest hours of the night. I was standing on the bridge watching the cars pass, when all of a sudden my memory goes to third person and I see my body on the floor of the bridge, bloodied and stabbed in the back. The perpetrator was standing over me wearing a scary, Michael Myers-type mask and all Black clothes; no idea who the perpetrator is. Then my memory is directed towards a news broadcast of evidence found at the scene, all in third person.

This dream might be a reflection of a fear or anxiety that you have. The wooden bridge and the highway over a lake might be symbols for your journey or path in life. The scary attacker on the bridge with the Michael Myers mask could represent someone or something that is causing you harm or stress in your waking life, or perhaps the fear of an unknown danger. The news broadcast could represent your desire to know the answers to something that is currently bothering you. It is important to reflect on your current circumstances and identify any potential sources of fear or anxiety that may be causing you to have this dream.